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Sehen Sie, warum Menschen Doglyness lieben! Diese vorgestellten Bewertungen von echten Doglyness-Kunden stammen aus unserer Umfrage zum Produktfeedback, Product Reviews®. Nach jeder Bestellung sammeln wir produktspezifische Bewertungen und Feedback, um Ihre Zufriedenheit zu erhöhen und die Ergebnisse ständig zu verbessern.

Valerija Radman

“ Die beste Kosmetik, die ich je benutzt habe

Ich habe endlich Doglyness Kosmetik ausprobiert. Das Fell ist glänzend, weich, aber bauschig und leicht zu pflegen. Und es gibt noch nicht einmal ein einziges Knäuel. Das Shampoo schäumt großartig. In den letzten Monaten hatten meine Pudel wegen meines neugeborenen Babys keine richtige Haarpflege, und so war ich positiv überrascht, dass es so einfach war, ihr Fell zu entwirren.

Ich habe endlich Doglyness Kosmetik ausprobiert. Das Fell ist glänzend, weich, aber...

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Kelsey Walter

“ Niemals zurückgehen “

Ich liebe die OATS Calming Line! Ich verwende sie für einen langhaarigen Lhasa Apso mit empfindlicher Haut, der wöchentlich gebadet und gepflegt wird, und ich habe das Gefühl, dass dies das einzige Shampoo und die einzige Pflegespülung ist, bei der ich eine tatsächliche Verbesserung für seine Haut und sein Fell feststellen kann. Außerdem glänzt es unheimlich!

Ich liebe die OATS Calming Line! Ich verwende sie für einen langhaarigen Lhasa Apso...

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Eileen Persia

“ Verliebt “

Ich bin seit über 17 Jahren als Hundefriseur tätig und meine dreijährige Suche nach Produkten, die meinen ethischen Überzeugungen und Qualitätsstandards entsprechen, ist vorbei. Doglyness ist nicht nur gesund für mich und die Hunde, sondern auch für unseren Planeten. Abfallfreiheit ist der richtige Weg für die Zukunft unseres Planeten und die Zukunft der Pflegebranche.

Ich bin seit über 17 Jahren als Hundefriseur tätig und meine dreijährige Suche nach...

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Chiara Mensa

“ Sichtbarer Unterschied “

Ich habe das Doglyness Immortelle-Sortiment ausprobiert und war von den sichtbaren Ergebnissen nach der ersten Wäsche beeindruckt: mehr Glanz, weicherer Griff und mehr Volumen. Einfach genial! Und dann auch noch so ein herrlich dezenter Duft. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis und finde es toll, dass die Flaschen, Etiketten und Verschlüsse kompostierbar sind, da ich mich auf eine persönliche Reise begeben habe.

Ich habe das Doglyness Immortelle-Sortiment ausprobiert und war von den sichtbaren ...

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Kenny Leakan

“ Ausgezeichnete Produkte, die meine Bräutigame möglich machen “

Ich bin ein begeisterter Liebhaber aller Lebewesen, ob groß oder klein, und seit einigen Jahren überzeugter Veganer. Ich glaube fest an den Schutz und die Erhaltung der Umwelt für künftige Generationen, damit sie die Mission zur Rettung unseres Planeten fortsetzen können. Ich bin dankbar, dass ich so tolle Freunde wie Doglyness habe.

Ich bin ein begeisterter Liebhaber aller Lebewesen, ob groß oder klein, und seit ei...

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Mel Roethle

“ Die besten Produkte, die ich in 22 Jahren benutzt habe “

In 22 Jahren als Hundefriseur kann ich ohne Vorbehalte sagen, dass Doglyness das beste Produkt ist, das ich je verwendet habe. Meine Kunden (und ich) sind immer wieder begeistert! Ihre Wertschätzung für das Wohlergehen des Planeten ist nur das Sahnehäubchen auf dem Kuchen. Ich werde die Ziele und Produkte von Doglyness immer unterstützen!

In 22 Jahren als Hundefriseur kann ich ohne Vorbehalte sagen, dass Doglyness das be...

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Mária Podmanická

“ Die besten Kosmetika auf dem Markt “

Seit ich vor einem Jahr die Immortelle Rejuvenating Line verwendet habe, hat sich das Fell meiner Pudel in jeder Hinsicht verbessert. Weniger Verfilzungen, gesunde Haut, unglaubliches Volumen und Glanz. Als Friseurin verwende ich es in meinem Salon immer für verschiedene Rassen und Fellarten mit perfekten Ergebnissen. Absolut empfehlenswert!

Seit ich vor einem Jahr die Immortelle Rejuvenating Line verwendet habe, hat sich d...

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Angelika Pavlenko

“ Verliebt in die Doglyness-Produkte “

Vielen Dank für diese fantastischen Produkte. Ich bin begeistert von den Ergebnissen! Das Fell ist kräftiger und glänzender und hat die perfekte Textur, die für Pudel die Nummer eins ist! Es bietet ein völlig anderes Fell, wenn man es anfasst. Das Fell fühlt sich dicker und kräftiger an und lässt sich leichter bürsten. Es hilft auch sehr beim Fellwechsel.

Vielen Dank für diese fantastischen Produkte. Ich bin begeistert von den Ergebnisse...

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Shareena Griscom

“ Amazing products “

Ich bin seit 12 Jahren ein professioneller Tierpfleger. Die Produkte von Doglyness schaffen eine großartige Textur, und die anschließende Feuchtigkeitspflege ist beeindruckend. Anstatt das Haar nur mit Seide zu überziehen, wirkt Doglyness von innen heraus. Ich bin verliebt in dieses Produkt! Abfallfrei, biozertifiziert und vegan!

Ich bin seit 12 Jahren ein professioneller Tierpfleger. Die Produkte von Doglyness ...

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Based on 497 reviews

The best shampoo ever. Does wonders on my poodles coat. The smell is divine:)

Lovely products, hate the package

We love your products, but the package easily breaks.


Very Nice product, workshop great on my kerry blue terriers
Soft , sulky and wave are the coats.

Compacted coat no more and hello healthy skin and coat

I’m a Dog Groomer in Ireland and when Lipa first came out I knew this would be amazing on shedding breeds. So for 6 months i tested this on 5 shedding breeds of all sizes . Within the first wash in lipa shampoo and conditioner my jaw dropped or should I say that hair blew out , I mean wow. Not only did all undercoat come out with easy and there was no fight of pulling your back over because the undercoat will not come out . I have never de matted / de shed dogs so fast in my life . I have had dogs wirh double coat have alopecia / dermatitis and within 3 rd wash everything cleared up . These clients have spend so long struggling with shedding and all came back saying “ what did you use omg “. So 10/10 for lipa line

Best shampoo ever!

This is the only brand we sister use with our dogs... it helped our biggest dog with a bad skin reaction he had, and after just one wash, he was looking great again (photos attached). Also, we love that it's eco-friendly, that way we know we can bathe both our dogs without the use of harsh chemicals. We will always use Doglyness!

Coat Repair and Recovery

This line gives consistently outstanding results on all coat types, especially for those damaged or neglected that need some extra help for recovery and repair!

Light & gentle

I used the Immortelle line before and decided to give Lipa a try after reading the features and the doglyness promise of the product.
It’s a great shampoo that thoroughly cleans the coat leaving a very light scent. If you prefer your dog to have just a hint of a smell - that’s the one to go for. It feels very delicate to both the skin and the hair. It rinses pretty quickly.
I also tried it on myself and I think it might be just a hint less intense on the cleaning side than the Immortelle but on the other hand you might use it more often.
Definitely a very pleasant shampoo to use!

Level up

I found this product to help with repair on some areas on my poodle. I found it to help with getting some better structure. And it is also nice to use diluted as a brushing spray. Also very satisfied with the transparency and commitment of the brand to using good and non toxic ingredients

Stopped my poodle’s skin problems!

My miniature poodle used to have dry skin and he scratched himself a lot, but after starting to use the Oats shampoo and conditioner his skin got visibly better and he doesn’t scratch anymore. Love it <3

Helpful in all departments

Have been using Doglyness Oats Line Shampoo and Conditioner for about three years now and could not be happier. It helps a lot with keeping a healthy coat, even with a long coat and ADHD procrastination for months. Always tangle free with minimum afford. Also helps a lot with my standard poodles allergies, no dandruff anymore and much less itching.

Oats Line

I've been using Doglyness Oats Shampoo and Conditioner on all my clients and personal pets for about 5 months, and could tell these products were something different from the very first use.

I use this line on everything from mini poodle mixes, hand stripped terriers, drop coats, long haired dachsunds, ragdoll cats, persian cats, and domestic short haired cats.

I genuinely love how this line enhances the natural coat texture of each dog and cat, without it feeling weighed down or unnaturally soft. My terrier still feels like a terrier, and my persian cat still feels like a persian.

The shampoo leaves the skin and coat clean and hydrated, while the conditioner enhances a natural shine and texture. The health of the skin and coat seems to improve over time as well.

While I always used conditioner, before I switched to Doglyness they could vary drastically in how they made the skin and coat feel. It took a bit of trial and error to find which product worked for which pet, and as a result I had to carry a lot of different products. Switching to Doglyness Oats Line has allowed me to cut down on how many products I need because they seem to work with every coat type.

I'm so glad to have found these products, because they really have made a big difference in the health and quality of the skin and coat on my clients and personal pets!

Nadia this is such an informative review, thank you! At Doglyness we felt that creating a product that focused on the health of the skin and hair follicle would alleviate the need to consume so many products as the resulting hair would be the best it could be, naturally! It's so wonderful to hear that this is the expereince you had and we are delighted that you use our products on your cat! Healthy skin is healthy skin!

Level up your dog coat

I’m writing because I love all doglyness products I’ve been using immortele on my miniature poodle for half a year now and his coat has improved in texture and in volume, also better for scissoring.
But the level up cream along with the spray all day it’s a game changer for coat change, I’ve been using them to prevent matting and also maintaining a good length of coat.
At first I was skeptical about the price of the products but seeing the results by themselves, it’s totally worth it, 100% recommend❤️🌱

Hi Estel, thank you for your review on our products, specifically the Level Up. We agree that it is indeed a game changer!

Holy grail brand!!

I absolutely love the Lipa and Immortelle Line. The smooth texture makes it a pleasure to use, and it leaves my dog’s skin incredibly clean without stripping away her natural oils. The conditioner is fantastic as well—it makes her hair so soft and easy to brush out. I give her a bath every week, and it never dulls her coat. This product is amazing, and I’ll continue using it for my pup. I’m a new groomer as well and I use this exclusively on all the pups. 🐶 Highly recommend!

Hi Jenn! Thank you for this fantastic review, we are so happy you love Immortelle and our newest addition, Lipa! Here at Doglyness we are constantly striving to be the best we can be so whenever you have a minute please feel free to reach out and let us know how we can earn that last star! Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts for others to see, it truly makes a difference.

Too much perfume

Generally I am happy with the shampoos, conditioners and creams I have used since Doglyness was introduced. Two products however I simply cannot force myself to use up because of their overpowering smell. "Spray all Day" and the "Repair OIl". I know I am in the minority to object to the scents used and what we like to smell is highly individual,. People prefer their dogs to smell different to what they would naturally, especially if they just had a salon service. Scent indicates work has been done on dirty paws;).Smell is something personal. Yet our senses have become blunted over time. Most people need stronger and stronger stimuli to even notice a smell or notice the taste of a simple unadulterated food on our taste buds..Cosmetic firms and the pet industry serve this by adding more and more scent to their products to get our attention. So we generally are used to a much higher level of scents and enhancers in our products and ready-mades to what we were years ago. A product line like Doglyness striving to be based on purity and respect of the nature of canines, should not serve this need for strong sensory stimulation, but educate customers. What we perceive as a faintly scented product, is in fact overpowering to the fine nose of our dogs. In my case also to the noses of my family. They forbade me to use Spray all Day and the Repair oil, because the smell lingers on our standard for days and stings to our hands for hours. Less would be more. Now I have two expensive bottles of product sitting unused on the shelf. At least I know which productsto avoid in the line..

Hi Christina, Thank you for reviewing our products and though it's true, most people (and dogs!) do enjoy the smell of all of our products, there will be people like yourself (and you're not alone) who the scents don't work for. I would just like to assure you that all of our scents are natural and known allergen free so at least you know that for the times you have used them, they were safe for you and your dogs. Since our two sprays don't agree with your family, may I suggest that you use the Level Up Leave In Cream as an alternative? You can mix your desired amount in water and use in a spray bottle and voila! Brushing spray! All the best to you, and thanks again for your review!

A bit of knowledge is required to use Doglyness products as they work differently than regular products, which is worth spending time and money on! I have both Immortelle and Oats lines, and prefer Immortelle which focuses on the coat (Oats more on the skin). The poodle's coat is healthy and beautiful.

Hi Ida, thank you for mentioning about the learning curve when using Doglyness. It's true that our products are not like any of the others and they do take time to get to know. Hopefully you are on our Facebook group where our user community shares tips and tricks and you can offer your advice to newbies!

Classic poodles

I love using Immortelle on my show poodles-makes scissoring easier. I have been recommending to friends and puppy families the value and a safer alternative to other products

Thank you for your review Debbie! And our sincerest appreciation goes out to you for spreading the word to those you care about. We will be more than happy to take care of them!

Best workout mat!

I absolutely love this mat! It's perfect for my pilates sessions—soft enough to be comfortable for my head and, yet firm enough to keep me stable during exercises. The material really feels high-quality and doesn't slip, which is a big plus. It’s made my pilates practice so much more comfortable and enjoyable 💓

Amazing brush

There is a lot of talk about using this brush in the shower, called wet brushing. When I used it twice in the shower, there was a crack in the brush, but the crack hasn't gotten bigger in 2 years (not used in the shower anymore). Therefore, I would still recommend it to poodles, just be careful in the shower.

Love this range

Ive been using doglyness for some time now. And started with the immortelle range, which is fantastic, not only with puppies, growing coats on my show poodles and during dredded coat change. Leaving the coat in such a quality finish and prolonged the duration of maintaince bathing.

My dog´s skin is very sensitive and since we started using the oats line on him, all the itching and red skin disappeared. His fur is healthier than ever and I also love the smell.

Puppy bath

We have been using this one on our 8 months old puppy since we brought him home. His fur is incredibly strong, shiny and healthy. He has no skin issues at all. Also we love the smell of this product.


We love the immortelle line on our Bedlington Terrier. It has strengthen his and now scissoring is so much easier. Cannot recommend this enough for a softer fur.

Best Oil EVER

My Poodle Coats are healthy and Thick!!

I use the Oil for Wrapping and my own Hair

My Personal Favorite

After so many diffrently Schampoo i tried so far
There is only one Number one für me 🫶 its Immortelle

Great high quality spray

I love using the spray on my toy poodle right before I brush her. The spray has a subtle smell and facilitates the brushing process. The coat looks healthy and nourished. We are very happy with the spray and have been using it for a few years.